The Music Department at Western Plains Schools hosted a Veterans Day Soup Supper, Silent Auction, Concert, and Honor Ceremony on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at WPHS. People from around Ness County came out to support the music department students and our veterans and active military personnel. Jackie Casey and her Western Plains FACS students spent many hours preparing and cooking the delicious meal. Patrons got to enjoy their choice of four homemade soups, sides, and desserts. Patrons got to bid on gift baskets of different themes, donated by local businesses and music families, and the bidding was fierce until the last second!
After the supper, our patrons got to enjoy a concert entitled, “A Celebration of America.” Everyone attending the program said the “Pledge of Allegiance” and sang “The Star Spangled Banner” together. The Elementary Choir sang a rousing song, “Thankful for the U.S.A.” as they proudly waved American flags. They also sang a song of remembrance entitled, “Still in My Heart,” to remind all those who have lost loved ones in battle that they are not forgotten, and to reassure our active military personnel that they are greatly missed when they are deployed. Denice Flax, music director at Western Plains, and Anne Hawkins, 2nd & 3rd Grade teacher at Western Plains South Elementary, sang a duet, “This is My Song,” a hymn that called for world peace. The High School Choir sang “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” as well as the Spanish / English song, “America, America.” The Junior High Choir wrapped up the first half of the program with “This Land is Your Land,” then led the audience in singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” during our “seventh inning stretch” to honor America’s pastime, the great sport of baseball. Deanna Fraley, Mrs Flax’s mentor, served very well as the accompanist for all the Western Plains choir songs. The Hays High Plains Barbershop Chorus, as well as two of their quartets, performed many songs during the second half of the program, amazing the audience with their close harmonies and heart-felt songs of patriotism.
During the break in the program, we honored 14 veterans and active military personnel with individual recognition of their service. Our elementary singers gave them cards, letters, and pictures made by our Pre-K through 5th Grade students. The audience was very proud of the men and women who have served in the military, and they showed it by giving them a very long standing ovation! It was a wonderful evening, where people could share a delicious meal, swap stories, and show our patriotism and appreciation for our country and those who serve it.
Because of the amazing support of our families, businesses, and communities, the music department raised over $1300. The music department will donate $100 to Honor Flight to continue our support of veterans from our area.
The Western Plains Music Department would like to sincerely thank all those who helped with the supper and concert, who donated auction items or money, and who came to show their support of our students. Most of all, thank you to our veterans and active military personnel for your faithful service and your sacrifice. Thank you to your families, who sacrifice alongside you. You have protected our lives and our freedoms, and we are FOREVER GRATEFUL!
If you would like to see more pictures of our Veterans Day celebration, go to the Western Plains website at, and click on “Music Department.” The pictures are in the Photo Gallery.

"Many people came to Western Plains to eat a good meal and to support our music students and veterans."

Western Plains students Alliah Garza, Madelyn Kraus, Chloe Briand, and Maria Limones served a lot of soup to MANY hungry people!
Western Plains Junior High students helped serve desserts. Back row: Asa Cole and Berkley Tillitson. Front row: Kaleb Dierking, Marisol Alvarado, and Alexa Gomez.
Western Plains Junior High students Aidan Miller and J.R. Jones helped carry food trays to tables for our patrons.
Western Plains Elementary students proudly sing, "The Star Spangled Banner."
WP Elementary students sing, "Oh we are thankful, grateful, positively joyful! Thankful for the U.S.A.!"